Scrap Yard Will Pay Cash For Damaged Cars

By Sarah Ward

Early mornings see people jump off beds, runs down the stairway and into the bathroom for a quick wash. Then the kitchen refrigerator is raided for nourishment and whatever is available for cooking. The creature grabs a comb across the head, picks up a cigarette, lights it and jumps into a car to go to the workplace, but it does not start. It is old and clunky, and it is better to avail of cash for damaged cars.

This creature is a biped. Meaning it has two legs. The two legs allow forward, backward, and side to side movement. It was no match for the other creatures that walked and ran on four legs and were much larger and stronger than the early hominids. Fortunately for the bipeds, it had a larger a cranial cavity that house and brain more complex than the others.

The intelligence of hominids is made manifest by the domestication of wild creatures that roamed the forest. It had its way with animals. Probably the first animal that tamed was the early relative of the dogs. Wolves roam around in packs but often they leave behind the injured. Alone and hungry it probably was taken in by one hominid and nursed back to health.

Animals were domesticated for its meat and the early ones were of the smaller type like the sheep and the goat. Much bigger beasts were eventually tame to help man with work and for travel. These were of the gentle natured like cattle and camels. Backpacks or dragged animal skins made possible the transfer of several things in one setting.

Time passed and man learned how to harness the larger but docile animals. Some sort of contraption were attached the beast to carry load. The earliest were probably animal skins. Objects were placed on it and it was attached a beast to be dragged on the ground to wherever it had to be. Branches and twigs were intertwined to make primitive hammocks.

The need to move around encouraged early humans to attach bins on the animals that were strong and sturdy. The implements were probably made of plant parts and animals skin. Though big and strong, the creatures of burden lacked one thing that man desired, speed. Not until the taming of horse did traveling jumped to new heights.

It was not until the horse was domesticated that transportation made a giant leap. Not only was the animal strong and powerful. It was a very versatile creature that could travel in a slow gait, trot for medium speed, and gallop at high speeds. The testament to this animal is the modern term that denotes strength and power and that term is horsepower.

It has four wheels and has an engine. The engine gargles fuel to make the shafts turns which with the help of gears turns the wheels. It has wind shields and mirrors, seats and control for it to be operated. It is a car. This contraption contains assembled systems and has several components to make it a whole vibrant machine.

A car is made of several materials. Most of it is metal and iron derivatives like lead and aluminum. These are used for parts that need to be strong and can withstand heavy stresses. This includes the engines, the powertrain, the fuel tank, tire rims and the chassis. The interior is mostly made of rubber, plastic, or other synthetic alternatives.

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