Importance Of Periodic Car Maintenance

By Larry Fisher

Everybody dreams of buying a car someday. The vehicle serves lot of purpose such as carrying luggage and accommodating our family. In the high class society people who want to show their social status buy sports car. Whether it is mid or high range which ever car we possess once it meets with accident the repairing cost is very high. The c5 corvette parts and accessories are now available online for sale.

The business of the car portions are the highest when compared to buying a car itself. We seldom buy a car but we constantly replace the portions of the car at some point of time because the car goes through regular damage. When it is difficult to get a part it is not easy to maintain car.

Sports car is typically a two sitting vehicle. It is designed for high speed performance. The usual cars are only designed for low fuel consumption. The name sports car originated because initially these vehicles were used only for race. Slowly their popularity started increasing and people started driving for general purpose on the road. We cannot expect any mileage from these types.

With the vehicle which are only fit for race such as the sports car running on the normal roads is causing lot of accidents. An accident is very unpleasant experience which usually causes injury, death and property damage. Vehicles can collide with each other, animal, pedestrian, tree, pole or building. Over speeding is the root cause of any accidents.

Due to rise in the number of accidents on the road it was necessary to come up with the concept of vehicle insurance. This policy used to safeguard us from the financial cost as well as from damage of property and car. Some type of vehicle insurance is coupled with medical insurance as well which used to provide complete coverage.

Automobile engineering is a branch of study that teaches manufacturing, design and the working of a vehicle. This deals with all kinds of vehicle such as cars, buses, trucks etc. This technology is nowadays using electronic controls for ensuring safety and economical fuel consumption. Mostly the controls were manual in the earlier days.

There are number of diseases and chronic allergies are on the rise due to pollution from the vehicles. Asthma is very common in society nowadays. The smoke from the vehicles emits carbon monoxide which is poisonous to living creatures and damages the ozone layer in the atmosphere. This layer actually protects us from the harmful ultra violet rays from the sun.

An efficient way of reducing pollution is the switch over to renewable energy resources. We should use bio fuels instead of petroleum. The green fuel emits less carbon into the environment compared to conventional one. Electric cars are more efficient and have better fuel economy. There are countries launching solar cars and buses which are promoting the green technology.

There are efforts made to reduce pollution and use Eco friendly vehicles, however it is not providing solution to the increasing number of vehicles on the road. For this people should use the public transport more. Bicycle is also a good alternative for reducing traffic congestion.

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