Changing Lanes With The 911 Sc

By David Graham

Planes, trains, and automobiles. Human society is complex and many layered, and there are many means of transportation for people of different means. Some people take a train, zipping around a city in a metal tube that moves faster than most speed limits. Other people walk, using the bipedal legs that first evolved on early hominids millions of years ago. Still, others take a car, and cars are a desired material good and among the most expensive a household will purchase. But not every household is going to have the same purchasing power when it comes to cars. Some households will be content to purchase a mid priced sedan. But other households will have a bit more leeway, some might even be able to purchase a vintage Porsche 911 sc.

As mentioned, certain cars convey high social status. However, the inverse is also true. A crappy car can convey low social status. A messy, of any price point, can convey that the person who is driving it is also a mess. Because of the high cost, sports car can come with a social capital.

However, vintage or otherwise, sports cars are not solely about the prestige. Many sports cars can trace their lineage back to Grand Prix racing cars of the sixties and seventies and in fact, some commercially available models may share engineering similarities with the machines being driven on racing tracks across the world. A lot of people who purchase a sports car may purchase one for the prestige of it, but some buyers care more about stepping on the gas and letting the monster out of its cage.

Now, a vintage vehicle can be a rare find. Given such rarity, luxury models, already a rarity in their heyday, become even more collectible given a few years and fewer similar models available. A well maintained car can run costs of hundreds of thousands at an auction, especially for an ultra rare machine.

Of course, to purchase the vehicle, one must find a merchant first. Older cars will likely not be available at dealerships, mainly because dealerships deal in newer models. That said, many used car dealerships carry older models. Now, private sellers for everything from bicycles to airplanes can be found online.

A vehicle is among the most expensive purchases that will ever be made in a lifetime. It is dwarfed only by the cost of a home. However, some older models from high end makers are actually rather affordable, comparable to the newer models of mid level automakers.

Most dealerships will offer a test drive. A private may possibly offer one as well. If they do, take them up on it. Nothing says more about the performance of a machine than actually testing it out in the field.

Now, a vehicle needs to be transported from the merchant to the new owner. Most of the time, the new owner just drives off the lot and goes home from there. But sometime, the automobile will be specially transported. When this is done, find the shortest possible route to avoid traffic accidents.

Luxury automobiles are a status symbol. But some are more attainable than others. The trick is finding them.

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