Learn How Lincoln Park Auto Shop Helps Maintain Your Car During The Winter

By Clinton Arnhold

Keeping up with the maintenance on a vehicle makes it run better and last longer. During the winter months, it is important to have all vehicles winterized. Using them in the ice, salt and snow in extremely cold temperatures affects the tires, wipers, paint and engines. Technicians from auto repair Lincoln Park can help keep vehicles running their best during the colder months.

It is crucial to make sure the engine is working good when the extremely cold weather sets in. The driver should make sure the oil is changed before the cold weather starts. Ask the mechanic to use a lighter weight oil during the cold months. Add a de-icer to the wiper fluid and change the anti-freeze when preparing for winter. The blades will do a better job clearing ice crystals off of the windshield. Make sure the wiper blades are in great shape and if not, change them. Clean the sap, leaves and acorns away from the blades to prevent damage that would make them ineffective in a storm.

Workers at Auto Repair Lincoln Park suggest cleaning the radiator a month before winter sets in so the cooling system is working top notch. To make sure there will not be a problem, change the thermostat, too.

People who live in colder climates are advised to replace batteries every four years, as frigid temperatures impact chemical reactions in batteries, especially in those more than three years old. Drivers should have batteries tested regularly and use a battery blanket to protect them from the brunt of cold weather.

Since tires contract in cold weather, add a few extra pounds above the normal level to prepare them for winter. Drivers should check them on a regular basis and think seriously about buying snow tires.

The salt used on icy roads causes vehicles to rust underneath and ruins the paint. Wax the car before the cold weather sets in. Frequently wash off salt buildup in order to impede irreparable damage.

Mechanics from Auto Repair Lincoln Park provide many resources and services to help owners get their cars ready for winter, cutting back on the possibility of them being stranded on a road in the cold.

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